ICSE ISC Result 2020 Released.
When will ICSE ISC Result 2020 announced? So, students if you’re appearing for 2020 CISCE board exams then check the full information here. Council For The Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) will release the Class 10th and 12th result on its official website- cisce.org. While an immediate link to Check ICSE ISC Result 2020 are going to be available on this page. As per previous year data, ICSE (class 10th) and ISC (class 12th) result 2020 are going to be announced by the month of May. Here we’ve covered ICSE ISC result 2020 important dates, steps to Checkthe result, compartment, revaluation/ rechecking result and more.
ICSE ISC Result 2020
CISCE releases the ICSE (class 10th), ISC (class 12th) result simultaneously. Last year ICSE ISC result was announced on May 07 at 3:00 pm. More than 2.5 lakhs students have appeared for the exams. Thus, for the present year we expect on an same phase. to Check ICSE ISC Result 2020 students must ready with their 7 digit unique id number, index and therefore the captcha code. Now, before finding out the steps of the result first have a glanceat the table of the dates given below.
ICSE ISC Result 2020 | Date |
Class 10 | |
Exam Dates | 27 Feb – 30 Mar 2020 |
Result Date | 10 July 2020 |
Class 12 | |
Exam Dates | 03 Feb – 31 Mar 2020 |
Result Date | 10 July 2020 |
ICSE Class 10th & 12th Result 2020[/caption]
How to Check ICSE ISC Result 2020
CISCE will release the result online at a personal login. Thus, to Check it students got tofollow the steps as given below.
1st Step- Firstly, click on the link of the results of your respective class and move further.
2nd Step- As you click on the link a replacement page opens on your screen.
3rd Step- Here you would like to click on the link of the result available below the table section.
4th Step- Enter your 7 digit unique id number, index and therefore the captcha code within thespace provided.
5th Step- After this click on ‘Show Result’ button.
6th Step- Now , your result will appear on the screen. Check your marks carefully and take the print out of the result on temporary basis.
ICSE (Class 10th) Result 2020
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) is referred because the class 10th standard. CISCE conducts the ICSE examinations annually within the month February- March. The practical exams including the preparatory exams comnducted by the respective schools by the month of December- January. After the examination process sudents can check their result online. ICSE result releases by the month of May. quite lakhs of Student have appeared for Class 10th exams annually. Login details and therefore the steps to Check the result are discussed within the above sections.
Las year, ICSE result was announced on May 07 at 3:00 pm. Board has confirmed the result date and time before through the official confirmation. Reportedly around 1,96,271 students have appeared for ICSE exams. Out of this total number of Student 1,06,974 students were boys and 89,297 students were girls. the general pass percentage of ICSE was 98.54%. ICSE girls performed better than the boys. Girls passing percentage was 99.05%. While the boys passing percentage was 98.12%. the info of the opposite Class students also available. As per the reports, 9,996 students of SC Class appeared for the exam and score 97.75%. 6,396 students from ST passed with 97.44% and 39,815 students from backward classes passed with 98.53%.
ISC (Class 12th) Result 2020
Indian School Certificate (ISC) is referred because the class 12th for the Student from Science, Commerce and Arts . CISCE declares the ISC result at the individual login. Students got to login themselves by entering the specified details as mentioned above. ISC result releases by the month of May. per annum CISCE conducts the ISC exams within the month of February- March. Students can check the full details of the exam dates, admit card and therefore the result by visiting the links provided on this page.
Along with ICSE, ISC result also released on May 07 at 3:00 pm. CISCE has announced the result a before. the general passing percentage of ISC students was 96.52%. ISC Girls passing percentage was 97.84% and boys it had been 95.40%. ISC students from other Class like 3716 students of SC scored 95.26%. 3186 students of ST scored 93.74% and total 12,588 students from backward classes scored total 96.19%. Total 196 students from the differently abled Class scored above 90%. along side this, region wise also because thetopers of ISC exams released throough media reports.
ICSE ISC Compartment Result 2020
After the declaration of the results of the most exams, CISCE provides the another chance to the Student both for Class 10th and 12th students. Compartment exams are getting toconduct by the board from the last year only. CISCE conducted the compartment exams successfully last year. ICSE ISC compartment exams conducted from July 15 to 17. CISCE released the result on August 07 both for ICSE and ISC students.
The result for the compartment exams released at the individual login. Students got to login within the same way as finding out the most result.
To pass in each and each subject of ICSE and ISC exams students got to score minimum 33% marks. Compartment exams is that the second chance provided to the Student so as to attain the minimum marks. those that have did not score them can apply for the compartment exams for the actual subject. After this a outcome provided to the Student and therefore the refore the marks get reflected within the marksheets and the certificates.
CISCE Rechecking Result 2020
In addition to compartment, CISCE conduct the rechecking process also for re-evaluating the solution sheets of the Student . All those students who have a reconsideration regarding their marks obtained can apply for the rechecking process. Application forms for an same released online on its official website. Desired students can fill the forms online and make the payment of the specified fees. CISCE Rechecking result informed to the Student through their registered email id and that they are required to Check it at an same login of rechecking.
Official Website: http://cisce.org