CBSE Date Sheet 10 Class 2020
CBSE Date Sheet
Central Board of education (CBSE) Board Examination, 2020 for sophistication X commence from February 15, 2020 onwards. CBSE 10th calendar 2020 consists of exam dates and timing of all subjects that class 10 candidates study in CBSE board schools. additionally, subject codes are there within the date sheet. Candidates can appear for sophistication 10 board exam as per CBSE the entire date sheet 10 class 2020, published at the official website,
Official website.,
»Important Date:
Exam | Started | Ended |
CBSE 12th Practical | 01 January 2020 | 07 February 2020 |
CBSE 12th | 15 February 2020 | 30 March 2020 |
CBSE 10Th | 15February 2020 | 20 March 2020 |
⇒CBSE Board has offers 240 subjects in both the classes and conducts the exam in 30,000 subject combinations. This year nearly 1.8 million students appear for sophistication 10 exams, while it’s 1.2 million for sophistication 12. the sensible exams would be held from January 1, 2020 to February 7, 2020. For the CBSE Class 10 Exam, the scholars can started out a concept about what to organize and the way as per the date sheet. With the assistance of your time table, the scholar can prepare his study schedule for every subject in keeping with the gaps for the paper. Students can check the dates of the examination 2020 from the below table:
CBSE Class 10th Board Exam Practical Schedule:
The Board has released the CBSE class 10th Board practical exam dates. As per the notification sent to all or any the CBSE schools that board practical examinations for sophistication 12th and sophistication 10th will start on 01 January 2020. Marks of the board practicals exams must be uploaded on the web site by 25 February 2020 by the faculties. Also, the date sheets of the examination are released by the mid/end of November 2019.
»CSBE Class 10th Exam Datesheet 2020.
Date | Subject |
20 February 2020 | Imfomation Technology- 402 |
26 February 2020 | ENG Comm-101ENG Lng & Lit -184 |
29 February 2020 | Hindi A – 002Hindi B – 085
04 March 2020 | Science Thoery- 086Science W/O Practical- 090
07 March 2020 | Sanskrit- 122 |
12 March 2020 | Mathematics Standards-041Mathematics Basic-241 |
18 March 2020 | SociaL Science- 087 |
20 March 2020 | Information & Communication Technology – 166Computer Application- 165 |
»CBSE Board 10th Exam Pattern 2020:
The exam pattern of CBSE Class 10th theory paper of Science is briefly discussed hereby within the section:
CBSE 2020 Paper are of 100 Marks [80 (Theory) + 20 (Practical)]. The aspirants ought to solve the question paper during a time-frame of three hours.
Also, the exam will constitute a sum of 30 Questions, which can be further divided into three sections (Section-A, Section-B & Section-C respectively).
The candidates must note that each one the Sections, still because the Questions, is compulsory. However internal choices in Question answering are provided in every section.
Section – A: This section is popularly called VSATQs (Very Short Answer Type Questions). All the question are in MCQ format and comprising 1 Marks for each correct response recorded. Candidates ought to record their response in one word or one line.
Section – B: This section is popularly termed as SATQs (Short Answer Type Questions) which award 3 Marks for each appropriate response. during this section, Questions are of Intermediate level (in terms of difficulty). The candidate must answer the Questions in 50 – 60 words.
Section – C: This last section of the Question paper is often called LATQs (Long Answer Type Questions). Questions belonging to the present section requires a close answer. Every appropriate response award 5 Marks to candidates. Word limit of this category is 80 – 90 words.
»Some Important About CBSE Board 2020.
Official Board Name | Central Board Of Secondary Education, Delhi |
Classes | Matric & Intermediate |
EXAM Datesheet Status | Released |
Exam admit Card Status | Released |
For class 10th | Released |
For class 12th | Released |
»CBSE Class 10th Board Admit Card Contains Following Details:
Admit card provided by the Central Board of education, national capital contains the subsequent details. After downloading the admit card/ hall ticket candidates must cross-check all the small print mentioned on the admit card.
Roll Number
Date of Birth
Name of Examination
Candidates Name
Mothers Name
Fathers/Guardian Name
Name of Examination Centre
Category of PwD
Exemptions Provided: S=Scribe, E=Extra Time, A=Assistive Device, L=large Font, P=Adult Prompter.
Admit Card ID
Subjects within which appearing with the date of examination.
Result Link :-
»CBSE Board 10th Time Table 2020 Overview:
Examination Name | Central Board 10Th Exam |
Board Name | Central Board of Secondary Education , Delhi |
Official Website | |
Class | CBSE Board 10th 2020 |
Time Table | 17 December 2020 |
Examination Dates | 15 February- 20 March , 2020 |
CBSE board 10th Exam Datesheet 2020.
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