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CBSE Class 10th Result 2020 Check Here

By Shahnawaz Sharif

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CBSE 10th Result 2020 | CBSE Class 10th Result 2020 Check Here

When will CBSE 10th Result 2020 be release? Students after class 10 exams catch their result date and time. So, here we are. CBSE 10th Result 2020 are declared within 15 July 2020. Central Board of instruction (CBSE) release the result officially on its website- and However, students also able to check the result diectly through the link available on this page as per the official declaration. to test CBSE Class 10 Result 2020 students must ready with their roll number, date of birth, centre number, school number and therefore the admit card id. To explore more follow the content below When will CBSE Board 10th Result 2020 be release? Students after class 10 exams catch their result date and time.

CBSE 10th Result 2020Important Dates
Exam Dates15 Feb – 20 Mar 2020
Result Date15 July 2020

So, here we are. CBSE 10th Result 2020 are declared within the month of May. Central Board of instruction (CBSE) release the result officially on its website- and However, students also able to check the result diectly through the link available on this page as per the official declaration. to Check CBSE Class 10 Result 2020 students must ready with their roll number, date of birth, centre number, school number and therefore the admit card id. To explore more follow the content below.

CBSE 10th Result 2020

CBSE class 10th examinations are visiting commence from February 15 and can continue by the month of March. The evaluation of the solution sheets done by the month of April followed by the result by the month of May. Last year CBSE class 10th Result 2020 was released on May 06. While this year we are able to expect the result a small amount earlier or the identical. to test the important dates of the event check the table below.

CBSE 10th Result Date and Time

Class 10th Result 2020 is predicted to be released by the 15 July 2020 after 12:00 pm. However, the date and time of the result aren’t yet confirmed by th board officials. We predict after analysing the pattern of CBSE 10th results of the last six years. Have a glance at the table given below.

YearResult DateResult Time
201906 May2 : 15 pm
201829 May1 : 25 pm
201703 Jun1 : 10 pm
201628 May1 : 30 pm
201528 May2 : 30 pm
201420 May4 : 00 pm


How To Check CBSE Class 10th Result 2020

CBSE Board releases the result online at the login. to test the result students must follow certain steps as given below.

1st Step– Firstly, click on the link of the result available on this page. otherwise you are you able to also check its availability by visiting its official website.
2nd Step– As you click on the link of the result a login window appear on the screen.
3rd Step– Here you wish to enter your roll number, date of birth, school number, centre number, and admit card id.
4th Step– After filling out all the small print click on the submit button.

Steps to Check CBSE Class 10th Result 2020

CBSE Board releases the result online at the login. to test the result students must follow certain steps as given below.

1st Step– Firstly, click on the link of the result available on this page. otherwise you are you able to also check its availability by visiting its official website.
2nd Step– As you click on the link of the result a login window appear on the screen.
3rd Step– Here you wish to enter your roll number, date of birth, school number, centre number, and admit card id.
4th Step– After filling out all the small print click on the submit button.
5th Step– Now, your CBSE class 10th result 2019 appear on the screen.
6th Step– Check your result carefully and download it for future correspondence.

Other Ways to test CBSE 10th Result 2020

Apart from the above mentioned method students may also avail their result by opting the opposite ways. For the convenience of Student, CBSE provided the result accessbile through google, Microsoft app, digilocker, IVRS/ SMS, and Umang App. Let’s understand these ways thoroughly.


In order to test the result through google directly follow the steps given below.
1st Step– Firstly, open the google program and sort CBSE 10th Result 2019.
2nd Step– As you press the enter button a replacement screen opens.
3rd Step– Here on the homepage only you able to see the login window.
4th Step– Enter your centre number, school number, admit card id, roll number and therefore the date of birth.
5th Step– After this click on the submit button and check your result online.

Official Website:

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